Would you like to have a passive income through an online business?


We're Emelie & Theo.

A couple with dreams of being financially and geographically free and deciding to make that dream reality by becoming digital entrepreneurs.

How to build an online business and get time freedom

Ever heard about affiliate marketing? It's about selling products for other companies, and getting a commission for the job you put into it.

To do so, you need guidance into what businesses are out there and how to start your own. You need the tools to build your own time freedom framework. Want to know more?

We want to choose how to, when to and where to spend our time. We want to invest in ourselves and our business, not the other way around. We want to work smarter, not harder!

We value time freedom.

If you want to have a passive income through an online business but don't know how to get started, then this is for you!

We'll show you how to start earning in your own online framework, even if you don't have a product of your own!

Online business

Start earning online

Why do we do this?

Are you ready to start your journey towards a time freedom based lifestyle?

In this masterclass you'll learn:

  • How to make a time freedom framework and start earning as an affiliate.

  • The 6 most common mistakes that'll stop you from earning a single dollar in an online business.

  • The 3 most important steps towards making a passive income that'll get you your time back. You'll get all the necessary tools to build your own digital framework, even if you don't have a product of your own.

Grab this masterclass to dive in!


Hi! We're Emelie & Theo!

We're a couple from the northern part of Sweden, always dreaming of achieving something bigger than going to our 9-5 jobs every single day. For a long time, we'd been dreaming about starting our own online business but never knew how.

Originally, beyond working our 9-5 as mailcarriers, we had a sidehustle going door to door selling home baked pastries on the weekends. Realizing our business model was limited, we searched online for a way to broaden our business.

Our goal has always been to have more time enjoying our hobbies and passions, NOT working our butts off making someone else rich while only getting a tiny slice of the pie. That's when we found affiliate marketing!